Actual state analysis vs. target scenario with operation of Oracle Database Vault
Clarification and documentation of essential technical and organizational base conditions and preconditions with regard to best-practices of the involved software manufacturer
Coordination and creation of a business risk assessment and derivation of required steps to control identified risks, especially for “run the bank”
Establishment of needed business processes and their needed integration into the business organization of the bank
Installation and configuration of Oracle Database Vault in a production-near test environment with regards to best-practices of the involved software manufacturer
Creation of an installation documentation
Identifying fields of risk and their priority/assignment
Creation and redesign of documents for incident management
Creation of checklists for upcoming maintenance and rollout operation like
new Oracle/SAP releases, updates/patches, system copies or homogene migrations
Creation of documentation for decommisioning without residue in case of failure or non-fulfillment
Creation and implementation of useful reports regarding the new functionality
Identification of needed adaptations regarding existing monitoring solutions and build up a proof-of-concept
Realization of a Proof of Concept in a test environment, focussing Backup- and Desaster-Recovery as well as business continuity aspects
Validation of the expectations with respect to the target scenario
Assist the rollout in production, collaborate with the internal SAP team as well as with software vendors and external service providers
Creation and delivery of final documentation and support in redesign of internal process documentation
Proof and document functionality for later audits and or bank examinations (for your information: functionality meanwhile audited and confirmed by KPMG)
Lead to an acceptance by „run the bank“